June 2021 Goals

As with April, May was a rough month for my goals. I'm not really sure why! I had the time but not the desire. I've relished life returning to normal here in Georgia, but I'm probably experiencing some burnout from the past year, too. Whenever I had moments of downtime, I found myself retreating to books more often than not. That's nothing new, of course, but a single-mindedness about it isn't my norm. Usually, my reading is balanced in with other hobbies – watching TV/movies, working on creative projects, blogging, etc. But lately, I just want my books. So, here we are. May wasn't a resounding success when it came to my to dos, but I made sweet memories, celebrated exciting milestones, and spent many nights on my back porch with a book. I'd welcome more of that in June.

On My Calendar:
– Camping trip for Nick and our big boy
– Spending a week or two in the mountains
– Fun summer camps for our big boy
– Celebrating Father's Day
– A few family birthdays

Currently Obsessing Over:
– I've had the new Olivia Rodrigo album on repeat, and I'm loving it so much! As I joked in my May recap – I'm in my 30s with two kids but listening makes me feel like angsty teen. How dare Olivia do this to me?
– In my most recent So Obsessed With post, I mentioned this travel mug. I hadn't purchased it at the time but finally treated myself in a recent sale. I couldn't resist the hydrangeas – my favorite flower – and the color!
Sorrow and Bliss by Meg Mason is my favorite book I've read so far this year, and my sister just ordered us this signed exclusive edition from Waterstones. I can't wait to proudly display it on my shelves once it's here.
– I can't decide if I love this Apple watch band enough to pay $65 for it. Time will tell, but I'll report back if I do.

Yearly Goals:
(These should stay the same all year, so I'll just do month-to-month progress reports!)
– Read a devotional every morning.
– Do Soulspace meditation every night.
– Blog 2x per week.

May progress:
– Um... I only read my devotional five days in May. What happened to me?
– Even worse, I didn't listen to SoulSpace once. It was clearly a rough month for daily habits.
– I posted more in May than April, but I still fell two posts short of my goal.

Revisiting My May Goals:
Visit a botanical garden as a family. / The boys and I went to the botanical gardens the last week of May, and I'm so glad that I put this on my list of goals. I don't think I would have prioritized it if I hadn't, and it ended up being one of my favorite memories from the month. We will definitely go back in the future, too.
– Weather permitting, go strawberry picking. / The weather was nice enough, but the timing just didn't work out with Nick's travel + our various weekend plans. We may try for blueberry picking in June instead.
Celebrate my big boy's 5th birthday! / We kicked off May with a candy-themed party for my big boy and had the best time celebrating his sweet self. I can't believe he's already reached this milestone – where has time gone?
– Fill out my big boy's Year 4 in his Promptly Journal. / I started but didn't finish. I'll carry this over into June.
– Select photos for my 2019 family yearbook. / Totally forgot this was on my list and didn't even attempt it...
Catch up on February, March, and April reviews. / I'm proud of my progress here, even though I didn't quite finish. I wrote almost 50 reviews – February 2021, March 2021, and March 2021 Favorites. Almost there!
– Start my Bible study workbook. / Even though I'd picked out what workbook I wanted to complete, I didn't set it within easy reach to remind myself to actually do it. Whoopsy. Lesson learned on that one.

My June Goals:
– Plan for upcoming 10th wedding anniversary.
– Make rainbow popsicles for my boys. 
– Have a water gun fight in the backyard. 
– Spend time outside every day. 
– Complete my big boy's Year 4 in his Promptly Journal.
– Make my Summer 2021 TBR.
– Set up June in my journal – and catch up on past pages!
– Start my Bible study workbook.

Do you have any goals for June?


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