The Throne of Glass Book Tag

Alexa from Alexa Loves Books and I recently fell in love with Brittany’s The Lunar Chronicles Book Tag, and it inspired us to create a tag for our favorite series - Throne of Glass! We haven’t seen this around the blogosphere yet, and we thought it would be a fun way to celebrate the recent release of Queen of Shadows. We had so much fun coming up with the categories, and we hope you have just as much fun filling it out. To participate, just answer the questions and tag a few friends to join in. We can't wait to see your answers!

Lysandra | A book with a cover change you loved
I considered highlighting a cover change in a series, but I decided to focus on hardcover to paperback change that I loved. I discovered The Opposite of Love by Julie Buxbaum when it was already out in paperback, and the cover is what first drew me to the book... Well, the cover and then the first chapter! When I realized how much I loved the book, I bought it in hardcover, too, but I definitely prefer the paperback cover.

Abraxos | A book that’s better on the inside than it looks on the outside
I stumbled upon a copy of These is My Words by Nancy Turner at the used bookstore and was intrigued by the summary. After looking it up, I was even more impressed by its ratings! But I wasn't a fan of the cover or the title, (though they fit the book in a way), and I judged it for both. And that's a shame because the story inside is phenomenal. It's one of my all-time historical fiction favorite books -- and love stories!

Erilea | A series with great world-building
The world in the Daughter of Smoke and Bone series by Laini Taylor was unlike anything I'd ever read before. It was strange and a little bit creepy with the winged strangers, human teeth, otherworldly monitors and mysterious errands. And yet, I quickly fell in love with it. I once described it as "brilliantly imagined and gorgeously depicted," and that's certainly fitting. And the audiobooks brought it to life even more!

Rifthold | A book that combines genres
I'm not typically a huge fan of books that combine historical and contemporary fiction, but The Girl You Left Behind by Jojo Moyes is definitely an exception. I loved portion set during World War I, and it was probably my favorite aspect of the novel. But I was also very engaged in the modern storyline, especially in trying to figure out how the two timelines were connected! It's perfect for fans of both genres.

Damaris | A book based on/inspired by a myth/legend
I immediately thought of Scarlet by A.C. Gaughen when I got to this question! Based on the legend of Robin Hood, this book was a delight to read. The series focuses on a secondary character from the original story but with a fun twist - the male character is a girl in this version! I didn't know much about Robin Hood or his band of Merry Men before I started reading, but I definitely wanted to after I closed the last page. So epic!

Kaltain Rompier | A book with an unexpected twist
The problem with talking about a book with a twist is that I 1) don't want to spoil anything for future readers and 2) don't want to set expectations for certain books. So, I thought I'd pick a book that's likely familiar to most readers at this point: The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. When I read it for the first time, I was absolutely shocked. I had no idea how the games would end, and I definitely wasn't expecting it to be this way.

Assassin’s Keep | A book with an unreliable narrator
There was no doubt in my mind that my answer for this question had to be the Shatter Me series by Tahereh Mafi. It took me some time to get into the first book, but I soon became hooked on the unique narration and writing style. I enjoyed seeing the world through Juliette's eyes, even though I knew that I could never quite trust her observations. In fact, my review for the last book focused on perception and unreliable narrators.

Asterin Blackbeak | A book that’s got SQUAD GOALS
Like Alexa, I wanted to choose Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas for this question... because who wouldn't?! But, since I was trying to avoid the series for this tag, I decided to highlight Saving Francesca by Melina Marchetta. It might be a slightly unconventional choice, but it's one of the first books that comes to my mind when I think about friendships. I love how these characters are there for each other in good times and bad!

Terrasen | A book that feels like home
I decided to interpret this question somewhat literally, so I'm choosing Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell. The book is set in Atlanta, Georgia, which is where I was born and raised. I read this classic in middle school and fell in love with it. I recognize it's flaws more as an adult than I did as a child, but I believe it's possible to love problematic things... just like I love the state of Georgia, even though it's far from perfect.

Aelin Ashryver Galathynius | A book with the power to destroy you
I feel like I'm always talking about The Lynburn Legacy series by Sarah Rees Brennan, but I can't help that it's the answer to everything! I absolutely adore these books, and they definitely have the power to destroy your head and your heart. I was an emotional wreck when I finished the last book! Brennan lives on the tears of her readers, as you're sure to find out... But trust me, they're totally worth it for so many reasons!

Manon Blackbeak | A book that intimidated you 
Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett definitely intimidated me when I saw it sitting on my shelves. Clocking in at almost 1,000 pages, this book is a BEAST. Plus, it's set during the Middle Ages, which is definitely a time period that I don't know very much about. But once I finally sat down with the book, I lost myself in the story and became so attached to the characters. I'm glad I got past my fear and finally read it.

Rowan Whitethorn | A book that makes you swoon
I have no doubt that Happiness for Beginners by Katherine Center will make you swoon. Unless, you know, you're immune to FEELINGS. I read this book earlier this year and loved it so much that I read it again two weeks later. Yes, it's that good. I couldn't get it out of my head! It wasn't quite what I expected, but in the best way. This guy is firmly in my list of top ten favorite book boys, and the romance was so memorable and satisfying.

Chaol Westfall | A book that challenged you to see things differently
While there are many books that have challenged (and changed!) my views, The Nesting Place by Myquillyn Smith seemed like the perfect pick for this question. This decorating book is based around the idea that "it doesn't have to be perfect to be beautiful." As a someone who is afraid to start something for fear it won't be perfect, this helped me see my home (and other experiences) differently. There's beauty in imperfection!

Fleetfoot | A book that you received as a gift
Cassie gave me A Mad, Wicked Folly by Sharon Biggs Waller for my birthday last year, and I fell in love with it. I've always been a fan of historical fiction, so this book was right up my alley! I loved the time period, but it was the focus on art and the suffrage movement that really captured my attention. I always consider it a success when a book leaves me dying to learn more about history, and that's exactly what happened with this one!

Eye of Elena | A book you found right when you needed it
I was going to pick a book that had a lot of personal meaning to me, particularly at the time when I read it, but then I realized there was a different way to interpret this question. So, I chose It's Not Me, It's You by Mhairi McFarlane because I read it earlier this year when I was in the middle of a HUGE reading funk, and it totally snapped me out of it. I read all 500 pages in one sitting after work - it was that addicting!

Hope you enjoyed! I tag:
and anyone else who'd like to participate!


  1. So I will definitely be taking part in this tag because I may have a slight obsession with Throne of Glass! Thanks for creating it and yes Queen of Shadows really is squad goals.....

  2. What a great tag! Totally agree with The Girl You Left Behind. I loved the mix of historical and contemporary. What a phenomenal story that was!

    Tanya @ Girl Plus Books

  3. This is so much fun!!!! I love the categories you guys chose! I know I'm so bad with tags but I'm going to try and do this one :D And you can always pick the Lynburn Legacy for everything, I think it's like an unwritten rule or something ;) I was intimidated by Pillars of the Earth too, but I'm soooo glad I read it! One of my favorites.

  4. Oooh I love your choices! This tag is so much fun! The world needs more book book tags :D
    Thanks so much for mentioning mine as well :) :)

  5. I love your answers + I love that we created this tag! YAY FOR THRONE OF GLASS <3

  6. Very nnice blog you have here


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